JAMES BOND 50 Kolekce (23 Blu-ray)

3D Blu-Ray filmy
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JAMES BOND 50 Kolekce (23 Blu-ray)

Název titulu:JAMES BOND 50 Kolekce  (34x)
Originál:BOND 50 (Velká Británie/USA, 2012)
Katalogové č.:1000963
Kategorie:Akční filmy, Dobrodružné filmy, Thrillery, KOLEKCE
V prodeji od:26. 9. 2012
Dostupnost:vyprodáno  Kdy zboží dostanu?
Cena:4 499 Kč (191,41 €)
(včetně DPH 21%)
Běžná cena:4 999 Kč (212,69 €)
Ušetříte:500 Kč (21,27 €)

Blu-ray recenze
  • DTS-HD Master 5.1 anglicky  DTS HD
  • Dolby TrueHD 5.1 anglicky  Dolby TrueHD
  • Dolby Digital 5.1 česky  Dolby Digital
  • Dolby Digital 5.1 maďarsky  Dolby Digital
  • Dolby Digital 5.1 polsky  Dolby Digital
Titulky:anglické, české, maďarské, polské
Délka:každý díl cca 120min
Hrají:Sean Connery, Adolfo Celi, Daniel Craig, Bernard Lee, Roger Moore, George Lazenby, Timothy Dalton
Režie:Guy Hamilton, Terence Young, Marc Forster, Martin Campbell
Hlídací pes:hlídací pes

JAMES BOND 007 Kolekce (22Blu-ray)

Jmenuje se Bond. James Bond.

V této strhující bondovské kolekci se nesmrtelný hrdina spisovatele Iana Fleminga pouští do velmi nejnapínavých dobrodružství. Využívá svůj šarm, sebedůvěru, inteligenci. Kam až může zajít, aby zachránil svět?


Tato kompletní kolekce se skladá ze všech doposud vydaných 22 dílů Jamese Bonda.

V hlavní roli se od roku 1962 vystřídalo 6 herců, každý byl jiný… nejoblíbenější byli Connery a Brosnan… výborní herci byli všichni … prohlédněte si jak šel Bond časem.


Zde je krátká recenze Filmareny:

Lazenby byl hezoun a po Connerym to měl strašně těžké, protože laťka byla velmi vysoko a od kritiky to velmi schytal, i když, s odstupem času hodnoceno, neprávem … Tvůrci se pak rozhodli ještě jednou angažovat Seana Conneryho, který navrátil Bondovi lesk, ale bylo to již naposled, protože Connery nechtěl, aby si ho diváci pamatovali jen jako Agenta 007.

Roger Moore ztvárnil úplně jiného Bonda než jsme byli zvyklí, chladného – konzervativního. Moore natočil stejně jako Connery 7 dílů.

Timothy Dalton byl angažován na základě jeho tehdejší veliké popularity, obzvláště mezi ženami. Natočil 2 díly, ale mezi TOP špičku se mu prorazit nepodařilo.

Ve snaze dostat Bonda zpátky na výsluní angažovali producenti novou vycházející hvězdičku, známou z detektivního seriálu REMINGTON STEELE – Pierce Brosnana, který Bonda katapultoval filmem Zlaté oko opět na výslunní. Natočil 4 díly s rostoucím úspěchem. Když však před natáčením páteho dílu požádal o zvýšení gáže, producenti nesouhlasili a udělali velmi riskantní krok.

Angažovali do té doby nepříliš známého Daniela Craiga. Od veřejnosti za to schytali drsnou kritiku, nicnémě krok se jim vyplatil. Totálně „překopali“ scénář, kameru, akční scény udělali živější, reálnější, agresivnější, chladnokrevnost Bondovi zůstala. Starší fanoušci i ze zvědavosti zůstali a přibyli navíc také noví! Craig je vypracovaný atlet a hlavně, což je největší dosavadní rozdíl… je to bloňdák, a to fanoušci tradičního Bonda „rozdýchávali“ velmi těžko. Zatím hrál D. Craig ve dvou dílech a oba také naleznete v této kolekci.

1962 – Dr. No – Sean Connery – 1

1963 – Srdečné pozdravy z Ruska – Sean Connery – 2

1964 – Goldfinger – Sean Connery – 3

1965 – Thunderball – Sean Connery – 4

1967 – Žiješ jenom dvakrát – Sean Connery – 5

1969 – V tajné službě Jejího Veličenstva – George Lazenby – 6

1971 – Diamanty jsou věčné – Sean Connery – 7

1973 – Žít a nechat zemřít – Roger Moore – 8

1974 – Muž se zlatou zbraní – Roger Moore – 9

1977 – Agent, který mne miloval – Roger Moore – 10

1978 – Moonraker – Roger Moore – 11

1979 – Jen pro tvé oči/Přísně tajné – Roger Moore – 12

1983 – Chobotnička – Roger Moore – 13

1985 – Vyhlídka na vraždu – Roger Moore – 14

1987 – Dech života – Timothy Dalton – 15

1989 – Povolení zabíjet – Timothy Dalton – 16

1995 – Zlaté oko – Pierce Brosnan – 17

1997 – Zítřek nikdy neumírá – Pierce Brosnan – 18

1999 – Jeden svět nestačí – Pierce Brosnan – 19

2002 – Dnes neumírej – Pierce Brosnan – 20

2006 – Casino Royale – Daniel Craig – 21

2008 – Quantum of Solace – Daniel Craig – 22

2012 - Skyfall - Daniel Craig - 23 - ale tento díl už tato kolekce neobsahuje, na 23. disku bude pouze bonusový materiál...


Zde Vám přinášíme exkluzivní soupis všech bonusů, které bude Blu-ray kolekce Bond 50 obsahovat:

Special Features:

DISC TWENTY THREE – Bonus Material
NEW – The World of Bond – the 007 films have a look, style and attitude that is signature Bond.  From the cars, to the women, to the villains and even the music, Bond films stand apart. The World of Bond takes the viewer through the best of five decades worth of classic James Bond in one thrilling montage.  The World of Bond showcases the fascinating and entertaining interplay among unforgettable moments of danger, seduction, adventure and a dash of that distinguished humor that fans have cherished from the beginning up until now.  To add to the experience, The World of Bond featurette will also offer a Pop-Up Trivia option to challenge even the sharpest of fans with little known facts and interesting trivia from the Bond Universe.
NEW – Being Bond – there’s only one James Bond – but he’s proven too much for only one actor to play the role.  In the franchise’s 50-year run, six distinguished actors have taken on the part and secured a spot in cinematic history. Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan, and Daniel Craig each reflect on the impact and importance of taking on such a famous role.  With this piece, gain insight into what each actor brought to the character and discover how they shaped the world’s most timeless secret agent. 
SKYFALL Videoblogs – behind-the-scenes look at the making of SKYFALL from the cast and crew

DISC ONE— Dr. No (Over 3 hours of content)
Commentary with Director Terence Young and cast and crew
6 Featurettes
Original Theatrical Trailer, TV and radio spots
Photo Galleries

DISC TWO— From Russia With Love (Over 3 hours of content)
Commentary with Director Terence Young and cast and crew
2 Featurettes
Animated Storyboard Sequence
Original Theatrical Trailer, TV and radio spots
Photo Galleries

DISC THREE—Goldfinger (Over 5 hours of content)   
Commentary with Director Guy Hamilton
Commentary with the cast and crew
3 Featurettes
Original Screen Tests with Theodore Bikel and Tito Vandis
Original Theatrical Trailer, TV and radio spots
Original Publicity Featurette
Original Radio Interviews With Sean Connery
Photo Galleries

DISC FOUR—Thunderball (Over 6 hours of content)
Commentary with Director Terence Young
Commentary with Editor Peter Hunt and Screenwriter John Hopkins
4 Featurettes
Original Theatrical Trailer, TV and radio spots
Photo Galleries

DISC FIVE—You Only Live Twice (Over 4 hours of content)
Commentary with Director Lewis Gilbert and cast and crew
4 Featurettes
Animated Storyboard Sequence
Original Theatrical Trailer, TV and radio spots
Photo Galleries

DISC SIX—On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (Over 4 hours of content)
Commentary with Director Peter Hunt and cast and crew
4 Featurettes
Original Theatrical Trailer, TV and radio spots
Photo Galleries

DISC SEVEN—Diamonds Are Forever (Over 4 hours of content)
Commentary with Director Guy Hamilton and cast and crew
3 Featurettes
Deleted Scenes
Original Theatrical Trailer, TV and radio spots

DISC EIGHT—Live and Let Die (Over 7 hours of content)
Commentaries with Director Guy Hamilton, Roger Moore and Tom Mankiewicz
3 Featurettes
Original Theatrical Trailer, TV and radio spots
Photo Galleries

DISC NINE—The Man with the Golden Gun (Over 5 hours of content)
Commentary with Director Guy Hamilton and the cast and crew
Commentary with Roger Moore
2 Featurettes
Original Theatrical Trailer, TV and radio spots
Photo Galleries

DISC TEN—The Spy Who Loved Me (Over 5 hours of content)
Commentary with Director Lewis Gilbert and cast and crew
Commentary with Roger Moore
3 Featurettes
Original Theatrical Trailer, TV and radio spots

DISC ELEVEN—Moonraker (Over 5 hours of content)
Commentary with Director Lewis Gilbert and cast and crew
Commentary with Roger Moore
4 Featurettes
Original Theatrical Trailer
Photo Gallery

DISC TWELVE—For Your Eyes Only (Over 7 hours of content)
Commentary with Director John Glen and the cast and crew
Commentary with Roger Moore
Commentary with Producer Michael G. Wilson and crew
4 Featurettes
Animated Storyboard Sequences for Snowmobile Chase & Underwater
Music Video performed by Sheena Easton
Deleted Scenes and Expanded Angles
Original Theatrical Trailer, TV and radio spots
Photo Galleries

DISC THIRTEEN—Octopussy (Over 6 hours of content)
Commentary with Director John Glen
Commentary with Roger Moore
4 Featurettes
Original Screen Tests with James Brolin
"All Time High" Music Video
Original Theatrical Trailers

DISC FOURTEEN—A View to a Kill (Over 6 hours of content)
Commentary with Director John Glen and the cast and crew
Commentary with Roger Moore
4 Featurettes
A View to a Kill Music Video performed by Duran Duran
Original Theatrical Trailers and TV spots

DISC FIFTEEN—The Living Daylights (Over 5 hours of content)
Commentary with Director John Glen and cast and crew
3 Featurettes
Deleted scenes with introductions from Director John Glen
The Living Daylights Music Video performed by A-Ha
Original Theatrical Trailers

DISC SIXTEEN—Licence to Kill (Over 6 hours of content)
Commentary with Director John Glen and cast
Commentary with Producer Michael G. Wilson and crew
3 Featurettes
Licence to Kill Music Video performed by Gladys Knight
“If You Asked Me To” Music Video Performed by Patti LaBelle
Opening Titles Sequence
Original Theatrical Trailers
Photo Galleries

DISC SEVENTEEN—GoldenEye (Over 5 hours of content)
Commentary with Director Martin Campbell and Producer Michael G. Wilson
8 Featurettes
Deleted scenes
GoldenEye Music Video performed by Tina Turner

DISC EIGHTEEN—Tomorrow Never Dies (Over 9 hours of content)
Commentary with Director Roger Spottiswoode and Dan Petrie, Jr.
Commentary with Vic Armstrong and Producer Michael G. Wilson
2 Featurettes
Interview with Composer David Arnold
Deleted and Extended Scenes with introduction from Director Roger Spottiswoode
Tomorrow Never Dies Music Video performed by Sheryl Crow
The James Bond Theme (Moby's Re-Version)

DISC NINETEEN—The World Is Not Enough (Over 6 hours of content)
Commentary with Director Michael Apted
Commentary with Peter Lamont, David Arnold and Vic Armstrong
4 Featurettes
Opening Titles Sequence
The World Is Not Enough Music Video performed by Garbage
Deleted, Extended and Alternate Scene
Original Theatrical Trailer
Photo Galleries

DISC TWENTY—Die Another Day (Over 8 hours of content)
Commentary with Director Lee Tamahori and Producer Michael G. Wilson
Commentary with Pierce Brosnan and Rosamund Pike
5 Featurettes
MI6 Datastream Trivia Track with Branching Video
Opening Titles Sequence
Photo Galleries

DISC TWENTY ONE—Casino Royale (Over 1 hour of content)
Becoming Bond
James Bond: For Real
Chris Cornell Music Video

DISC TWENTY TWO—Quantum of Solace (Over 1 hour of content)
2 Featurettes
"Another Way to Die" Music Video
Original Theatrical Trailers


All the Bonds.  All the girls.  All the action.  All in high-definition.  Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios and Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment mark James Bond’s monumental golden anniversary with the release of BOND 50, the complete Bond experience showcasing all 22 classic films on Blu-ray together for the first time ever, neatly packaged into one cool, sleek collectable box-set.  The collection will be available beginning September 24 in the United Kingdom and September 25 in North America with additional international markets to follow that week.  BOND 50 marks the debut of nine James Bond films previously unavailable in high definition Blu-ray and comes with a dossier of more than 122 hours of bonus features.

Set for release just prior to the theatrical premiere of SKYFALL, BOND 50 will offer a look at the latest Bond film through videoblogs shot with the cast and crew.  The BOND 50 collection also provides two all-new pieces that spotlight the history of 007.  “The World of Bond” takes a look at the style and attitude that is signature to Bond; pulling together the cars, the women, the villains and the music that have been a staple of these films for the past 50 years.  “Being Bond” profiles the six distinguished actors that have had the honor of portraying 007.

Additional bonus content in the BOND 50 collection includes cast and crew commentaries, the behind-the-scenes making of each film, in-depth interviews with every actor that played Bond, a closer look at the exotic locations as shot on-the-set, the women of Bond, the villains of Bond, Bond’s cars and gadgets, music videos and much, much more!


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